Zero to One Million: Status update #12

Welcome to the twelfth update in my zero to one Million gold Challenge. You can find the original post here and my earlier updates here.

The Rules

  • Fresh server (Twilight’s Hammer EU)
  • No transfered battlepets
  • No transfered gold
  • One account only
  • Get to One Million Gold


  • /played since last update: 2 hours
  • /played total: 1 day 12 hours
  • Level: 72
  • Total gold:  11 027 gold
  • Total AH value: 96 704 gold
  • Total gold Acquired: 90 587 gold
  • Total gold spent: 71 587 Gold

What did I do?

I bought a ton of herbs this week. I brought my gold total down from 28 000 all the way to 2000 gold. Some of the herbs have already sold. I also bought a couple of 100 Potions of Prolonged Power primarily to save until Tomb of Sargeras releases. The price has since doubled, so I’ve already started selling them on the Auction House.

I have not found any other meaningful deals as my gold totals are so low from buying all the herbs and potions. I will look to see if i can buy some more gems etc. to save for when the Tomb opens as I expect them to go up quite a bit in price.

TSM sales

Sales on the herb front are a bit down this week. Primarily because I posted them at a ridiculous markup. I wanted to see if they would sell that high and I want to stock up as much as I can in preparation for Tomb of Sargeras. In addition I had some very nice Transmog sales. Random greens can bring in quite a bit of money while leveling and I cannot over-emphasize how useful the quick-post button in TSM is for this sort of thing.

We can see that I had some VERY good resale percentages this week. I posted most of my herbs at very large markups as you can see. 60% for Fjarnskaggl and 118% for Aethril is pretty great.


Not too much to say about my inventory this week. As we can see I have a lot of Fjarnskaggle and a lot of Potions of Prolonged Power. I expect to sell them all for some very nice markups. All in all I think I will be looking at some substantial profits as soon as I can unload the.

Follow the challenge!

Follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up to date with my challenge.

I will continue work on the format of my status posts going forward as I find a good level of detail versus effort. Please let me know if you feel like I missed something or want to have more or less details from the updates.

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