I finished the challenge in the nick of time on day 30! It’s time to take a quick look back, analyze some sales data and recap the challenge. I’ll be writing some more posts with lessons learned and a plan for a more ideal way to do it later on, and I will most likely repeat the challenge some time after the summer!

What did I do?
The first week I spent all my gold on materials to flip, then I started working on emissaries, rep and leveling professions. I spent a decent chunk on professions and did a small bit of enchanting shuffling. Week 2 was more of the same, but added the first sinister combatant pieces. In week 3 I started crafting enchants as well. Week 4 I got the tool of the trade for enchanting, did some 2×4 farming and went really hard on the enchanting shuffle.
Overall I barely made the challenge in time, but I did manage to go from 10.7k, with no professions to level 150 in both tailoring and enchanting, 204k gold and 110k in AH value. My total gold acquired over the 30 days was 511k, with 460k of that coming from auctions.
Time spent
I spent 44 hours over the 30 days, which translates to just under 1.5 hours per day on average. This is /played time and will by it’s nature include some idle time. I also spent a lot of time on emissary caches, doing old raids and some other things that are not optimized for getting a token. When I repeat the challenge I will try to just do goldmaking stuff to really get a good estimate of how much you can get if you only focus on the most efficient methods.
Looking at my accounting data
I exported my TSM data to excel to do some simple analysis. Below you will see tables that show off my top sellers and top purchases in terms of total gold. The resale profits for items that I flipped is shown as well. We can see that flipping was overall a small part of what made me gold.

The top sellers are Gloom dust, sinister gear, coarse leather and Umbra Shards, followed by Quick Navigation enchants.
Overall the enchanting shuffle was the major factor with a total profit of more than 94k. I also made somewhere in the 15-20k range in profit from my Sinister combatant sales. Outside of that it was a lot of small income streams, as well as of course raw gold from quests, mobs etc.
Evolution in gold and AH value
If we look at the daily stats we can see that my auction house value steadily increased for the majority of the challenge with some slow dips down every once in a while. The start was quite slow with 4 days of essentially the same items, very few sales and no value.

Then the climb started. The last day obviously saw a dip as I stopped buying stuff to just finish off the challenge. Overall I still ended with 20k gold which is more than I started with and 110k in AH value left over.

The liquid gold graph is very funny and has a very hockey stick like shape. Obviously I kept reinvesting my gold constantly to always get more stuff up on the AH. Eventually my sales sky-rocketed and I cut back on the spending and we made it!

We can see that my daily sales really spiked around the beginning of the last week. This is about the time I started going heavy on the enchanting shuffle as gloom dust prices doubled over night. This meant the shuffle was incredibly profitable and I made a ton of gold!
This was a fun challenge. It looked a bit dicey at the end as I was on the alliance side of a horde-dominated server. This limited the potential of my sinister pieces, and meant that I had noone in trade chat who wanted to buy my Gloom dust when I tried to bark it. I still made it even at a “slow” point in the expansion, so I am very happy. It also highlighted some inefficiencies that we will take a deeper look at some other day!
This was a fun challenge. It looked a bit dicey at the end as I was on the alliance side of a horde-dominated server. This limited the potential of my sinister pieces, and meant that I had noone in trade chat who wanted to buy my Gloom dust when I tried to bark it. I still made it even at a “slow” point in the expansion, so I am very happy. It also highlighted some inefficiencies that we will take a deeper look at some other day!