A new season, and a new batch of Entry level pvp gear is available!
Entry level gear is great
Entry level gear is one of my all time favorite markets. With 10.2 we got a new set of entry level PvP markets. The items are cheap to craft and by far the best way to gear a new character for PvP. The recipes drop from PvP and are tradeable on the Auction house. This is also the main barrier to entry, as the recipe difficulty is low, and materials are relatively cheap.
I didnt join the rush
Early on the recipes are very expensive. On day one most of them sold for more than 100k. Obviously the profits are highest then as well. I didn’t really ahve time to spend a lot of it reposting early, which makes spending millions total to unlock all of them unpalatable.
Flipping recipes
Every once in a while someone will post a recipe for vendor price. I spent some time on day refreshing and I got gigalucky snagging the necklace recipe for 300 gold. I ended up learning it and I’ve been selling them across all my realms. Recipes are now 5-15k on my realm, so flipping them can still be very profitable.
Cross realm trading?
If you are on multiple realms and have multiple accounts you can now move your items to multiple realms. I’ve been selling the necklace across all my realms, and this has helped increase the profits by a lot. It has massively icnreased my average price as my main realm has really low prices.
Buy recipes and keep them in stock
Right now recipes are cheap enough that you need only 2-3 sales to make most of them back, depending a bit on stats. At least that’s the case on my realm. At that point I think getting most of the recipes makes a lot of sense, and I think the market is now fairly good, even for non hardcore goblins. If you want to get started you can snag some TSM groups below, which has all the items!