Happy belated new year!
Im stuvk drinking tropical drinks in the Caribbean for 5 more days. I even let my subscription lapse while away.
I am getting into gear to for the new year however. Im really looking forward to Nighthold both as a casual raider and a gold maker.
Some markets I want to dive into, and then write about include crafted transmog gear and crafted 815 gear from all professions. Transmog has done quite well recently and crafted gear is so much easier to stock than boes. I also have more posts planned on the subject of gold making mindset and more general techniques.
I also want to get more in touch with what you guys are looking for and want to learn. If you have feedback or requests please send them to me. Whether by comment here, on Twitter, on Discord or by email: bunnycuddle@thelazygoldmaker.com
Happy new Year!