I make the vast majority of my gold from BoE flipping, and today we will take a look back at how i did throughout patch 8.1, from the time I started recording my sales in my records spreadsheet. Back In May I analyzed my performance up to that point, today we will focus on the entire period.
Status in May
Back in May I was at the point where I had just passed break even for BoE flipping in 8.1. Overall I made a profit of 5.4 million from February to the 12th of May.
What have I been doing?
Lately I’ve been a lot less active. The data I look at today will only cover the time up til 8.2 launched. The last 4 weeks were very tightly focused on the 30 days to a token challenge, and my BoE flipping operations definitely hurt. My setup remains the same with 9 EU realms where I repost battle pets, BoEs and some materials and I try to repost auctions 3 times a week.
Overall results
For the first entry from the 6th of March I had 8.7 million gold liquid. on the 19th of June, which is the last entry before the patch I had a total of 18.5 million gold for a total profit of just under 10 million gold. My actual profit was higher however, as I spent 1.4 million gold on tokens in April as well, putting my true profit at pretty 11 million gold on the dot.
Average sales
If we look at my average sales per realm we can see that Twilight’s Hammer has remained the top one. Not surprising as I have level 120s on this realm and I sell a lot of crafted items alongside BoEs. Most of the other realms are fairly close, outside of Ravencrest, which is the realm I have by far the least amount of gold on.
Total BoE sales
The graph below shows my total gold earned or spent on BoEs. We can see that from the start on March 6 I quickly spent 2 million gold, and then very quickly down to a net spend of 4 million gold. Then I hit the point where my sales per day started being larger than my spend. On april 24 I broke even where my total gold spent equalled my total gold earned.
By the June 19 I had earned a total profit of about 6 million gold. The other 4 million gold I have earned in profits will then have come from battle pets, material flipping and assorted crafted gear.
Average BoE sales
We can see that my BoE sales range from 40 to 97% of my sales on my realms. Overall about 83% of my sales are from BoEs. Stormscale has been one of my more successful ones in terms of pure BoE success. We can see that both High and low pop realms have worked well, but higher population realms have been the best ones overall with Azjol-Nerub, Sylvanas and Twilight’s Hammer all being Medium to High pop.
Overall things worked out really well! I made a ton of gold this spring, with 11 Million gold made from March 6 to June 19, which is a period of 4.5 months. Now I’m back to spending gold heavily as I am entering BoE flipping for the 8.2 era!