11.1 is coming up, so let’s take a look at the changes coming to professions.
The stat nerf
11.1 will likely bring the change to stats, which nerfs multicraft and buffs resourcefulness. Based on the numbers provided the end result is that multicraft is still a lot better than resourcefulness for every item that can multicraft, but the gap is smaller (but still so large that choosing resourcefulness ever is the wrong choice.
For some crafts the nerf is even larger, with inscription and tailoring also recieving nerfs to bonus multicraft nodes from the profession tree. A lot of mass crafted items will now be slightly more expensive to craft after the patch, but it’s uncertain what the price impact will be. If you are stocking up on stuff like flasks for the patch you want to craft any materials you have before 11.1 rolls around.
Knowledge reset
If you’ve screwed up your profession tree there are indications that profession tree respecs are coming, potentially with 11.1. If you stay on top of your knowledge catch up the value should be fairly low, but for some of you it will be very helpful.
New recipes

A new patch usually brings new recipes and 11.1 is no exception. That being said the new recipes are not particularly exciting. We are getting a new Vantus rune, new contract, new crest recipes, a new feast and some wheels for the new drifting mount. Vantus rune and the contract will both be good for scribes, but there’s nothing coming that will shake up the meta much at all. We will be doing the same recipes and the same builds as right now for the most part.
That means you can prepare
New raid and new season usually means a significant increase in sales across items. Since we know recipes don’t really change you can potentially stock up ahead of time. With the region wide AH you are mostly powerless to impact prices by yourself, but the increased concentration in one marked also means that changes stay active for a longer time.