Wand flipping my way to the win? Classic challenge part 2

So I’ve been logging in every once in a while to my level 5 challenge. To be honest I’ve played it a lot less than I was hoping, but I am still making some progress.


I’ve mostly been relying on the wand shuffle for now. I buy cheap item level 16-25 weapons and disenchant them. I then turn the essences I get into Greater Magic Wands that I mostly just sell straight to vendor. With that I have made about 25 gold worth of sales. I’ve spent roughly the same amount, to where I’m currently sitting at 38 silver. I’ve also done some normal disenchanting searches, but so far they have not turned a profit. I do also have some dust on the AH. TSM values my inventory at 7g 61s not including 1g and 32 silver I have coming in the mailbox.


I have made some investments along the lines of my recent investments video. I have 238 Oily Blackmouths that I picked up at an average price of 93 copper. The price is already past 2 silver, so I’ve doubled my gold, but I’m waiting a tad longer to hopefully get some meaningful volume to play with.

Not scaling into flipping

I’ve not been able to scale into material flipping yet. My gold totals are simply not large enough to support that yet. I have bought some dream dust to flip, so we’ll see. I am looking mostly at lower level enchanting materials as they don’t have a deposit cost which reduces the risk quite a bit.

Effort phase

I’m still in a phase where I need to put in more sustained effort. I should be doing stuff like hitting recipe vendors on a regular basis as well as checking the AH for weapons to disenchant as often as possible.

If you want to level up your gold making come join me on Patreon and get access to awesome rewards like my full TSM setups.

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