The way to make easy gold with Jewelcrafting i TWW! The War Within jewelcrafting gold guide!

Jewelcrafting is another profession where concentration builds can give some very nice profits!

Gems galore

The main focus for a lazy concentration build with Jewelcrafting will be the gems. There are a lot of gem recipes, and they are all very similar in concentration value, with about 7-8 gold per concentration for me on EU at the moment. That’s on the mid tier of concentration value, so not quite on the level of alchemy or Enchanting, but quite good.

The build

As far as the build goes I went 50 points in the base node and then 20 points in the various mid nodes to unlock recipes for more first crafts. Going into the end nodes can allow you lower quality materials, but the price difference between t1 and t2 mats is generally really small, so extra skill does not have that much value. I think getting more skill with q2 materials is likely better.


I see around 7-8 gold per concentration, which is about 3-4 000 gold profit per gem craft when concentrating. Overall I would not suggest setting up jewelcrafters if you want to farm a decent amount of knowledge, as Alchemy and enchanting are both better. Alchemy does require a lot more knowledge to set up though, so if you want to keep it simple jewelcrafting is a good option.

Multicraft as always

As with every other profession multicraft is the stat of choice on your profession tool. There are no generic stat profession nodes for jewelcrafting sadly, so you can only get stats from your tools and profession equipment.

If you want to level up your gold making come join me on Patreon and get access to awesome rewards like my full TSM setups.

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