Empyrium prospecting and 7.3 jewelcrafting

Jewelcrafting has traditionally been one of the best gold making professions, with prospecting as the MVP. This has been the case for most of Legion, and the changes in patch 7.3 are quite large. Lately it looks like prices have stabilized and Empyrium prospecting is looking much more stable. Gem prices have been high on my challenge realm at least!

With the new gems and new recipes Jewelcrafting has gotten a ton of new potential shuffles and there are some profitable nuances and some very important ramifications for other markets.

Empyrium prospecting

I covered the math behind Empyrium prospecting in my latest spreadsheet update. The gem rate per prospect is about 1.5% for the red and green gems and 3% for the yellow, blue, purple and orange ones. You also get one gem chip per prospect. Blizzard did away with gem chip weaving for Empyrium so you cannot target a specific color. For Empyrium the Red and green gems are used in equal amounts by the recipes, but there differences in how many classes the various armour types cater too.

For the rare gems Pandemonite used to be way more in demand than Furystone as it was used for more recipes. This should not hold for Empyrium as Hesselian And Florid Malachite are used in the exact same ratio. In fact based on the distribution of classes at 110 and the materials used in the Empyrial crowns you would expect demand for Hesselians to be slightly higher. So far it has not been the case, but it looks like it’s starting to flip. At least on my realm.


One of the really important features of the epic gems is that they can all be obliterated, even when uncut. They give the same amount of obliterum regardless of whether or not they are cut. In my sample I have gotten about 64 ash per gem. This means that the minimum price of gems is set by Obliterum. You should be buying any epic gems you can find that are cheaper than 50-60% (depending on what margin you prefer) of the obliterum price. I have been able to snatch both Labradorite and Hesselian at prices that are profitable for obliterating.

This also sets an interesting theoretical lower limit on Empyrium ore. By taking the rate of ash per gem and the rate of gems per prospect you can calculate that Empyrium should never be cheaper than 1.96% of the value of one obliterum. Anything below that and it would be profitable to mass prospect and mass obliterate it all.

Cut epic gems

Cut epic gems did quite badly for me the first week I had them as I was not in time for the first rush. Since the raid reset this week prices have been much higher and Ore supply lower. Whether this is temporary or not I can’t really tell. They are looking much better than they did and you should be stocking them. I’ve included my Tradeskillmaster group for Epic gems including the cut versions at the end of the post.

Empyrial crowns

Empyrial crowns are looking very profitable. They are highly limited by your ability to get Primal Sargerite. Ideally you want to craft as many as possible to maximize your chances of getting the most desireable stat rolls. The best stat rolls will sell for a lot more than the less desireable ones. The profit margins are looking very good for all versions of the helmets at the moment. If you like farming Jewelcrafting is now a very good profession to pair with some form of gathering profession and go to town in Argus to get Primal Sargerite. Skinning is likely the best one for generating Primal Sargerite and if you enjoy this sort of thing you should look into it.

TSM Groups

I have made a TSM group for all the patch 7.3 Jewelcrafting recipes. I have also updated my materials group to include Empyrium. You can find my updated Materials group here.

The new JC 7.3 group has two subgroups, Empyrial crowns and epic gems. For the epic gems I have a shopping operation for both cut and uncut gems. The maximum price is set to half the price of obliterum and you can use it to easily check if any of the gems are underpriced. I also have an auctioning operation that posts one of each cut gem. You might want to adjust the posting time and the minimum price as dbmarket is not necessarily stable on your realm yet.

The Empyrial Crown group includes auctioning operations based on my standard crafted gear operation. You should add all the sub-versions to the group as you craft them to ensure that the pricing works correctly. If you don’t know how to add items to a TSM group check out my post on 101 BoE flipping. Under the heading “Selling Your Stock”

If you do not have Tradeskillmaster yet I strongly suggest downloading it. If you want to learn more you can check out some of the guides on the TSM site.


8 thoughts on “Empyrium prospecting and 7.3 jewelcrafting

  1. Hi! First of all, thank you for all of your opinions and everything you post here.
    I was wondering whether or not you’ve forgotten to include the updated materials list link, cant seem to find it here

  2. Big fan of your spreadsheet!

    You might not have seen this on high pop servers yet, but on my low pop server, I’ve started noticing people selling gems for BELOW their obliterate price. Obliterum prices are quite high on my server, so even though gems are above EU market average as well, I can still buy them out, obliterate them, and resell the obliterum faster than I can sell cut gems.

    I added an obliterum profit column to your spreadsheet, as well as a max gem price calculation. Thought you might like to know that it could be useful for other people too.

  3. Hey there, your spreadsheet and TSM groups are awesome!

    One thing, Empyrial Crowns, TSM doesn’t get a Crafting Cost, I assume because of the Primal Sargerite. Or I don’t have some option set correcty?

    When I try to use the Auctioning operation, where Minimum Price is set as 120%crafting, it throws me an error.

    1. That’s the Primal Sargerite. You can give it a flat gold value if you go to the crafting tab of TSM and choose materials. Then you search up primal sargerite and replace the default value formula.

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